Edgehill College has now hit i-tunes!
It is now possible to download 2 series of podcasts from i-tunes based on work done at Edgehill. The first is a series of Spanish grammar podcasts, which will be regularly updated from now on. The second is actually in French, not Spanish, and features members of Year 11 talking about Healthy Living- in French. Definitely worth a listen.
So how do you get hold of these I hear you cry! Well, if you access i-tunes store, simply search for Edgehill, and both the grammar series and EdgehillCast will come up. And yes, they are free. However, if you don't have an i-pod, don't worry, nor do I, you don't need one to listen to these. i-tunes is free to download, and anything you download can be played on your computer.
As far as I can tell, we are only the 4th school in Britain to be uploading MFL work onto i-tunes, so be proud of yourselves. And if you think this doesn't affect you, that it'll only be for Year 11, think again- it could be you sometime soon!
Mr F
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