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« Sam describe su tiempo libre | Main | Taz describe su tiempo libre »

March 06, 2009



good speed and good description but you need to make it flow better


there was good detail and info i think you can improve on pronounciation


It was so cleaer i could understand every word.
Nothing bad to say.
The smilie face sounded like it was sopposet to have Squishes voice.


she had good pronounciation

she had good words

she could of done a bit more description?


personally i thought mine was'nt very good,because i dont sound spanishy and i didnt say why i liked them,
i thought my letter s like G in spanish were ok.



I thought this was really good. The activites and descriptons were really good. The thing you could improve is the pronoucing of the words. (love your character)


Kate could improve on her accent.
the gd things were=
she had a gd description
she pronounced the words well?


i thimk that Kates voki was very interesting. Her speaking was very good at the beggining but she hesitated in the middle and the end.


i thought kate had a good accent and pretty good pronounciation! she said it a bit more of a list though!


i think she had a good discription and a good vocabulary but i think her accent could be better (cool voki)


i think she was really good with her acccent! and said the word clearly! to improve she can not hesitate as much!

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