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« Jenny describe su tiempo libre | Main | Elliot describe su tiempo libre »

March 06, 2009



very good acsent and good speed finish your sentence before going on to the next one


If i did not know you Izzy i would say you came from Spain you are really good at talking spainish and you talked so clearly.
Bad thing i do know you and i know you don't come from Spain.


She sounded spanish

she used good words

she could have used some other words to describe stuff aswell


It was very good and decriptive.
i cant really think of anything bad about it but maybe she could try making it a bit more spanishy acenty,ya know?


WOW!! This is really good. I tjink your spainsh accent is brilliant and also the speed you talk at. To make this even better use other descriptions.


wow izzy hd really good accent! her pronounciation was great too! to improve she could speak a little slower though!


Izzy yhoo sound really spanish and like sam said if i didnt know yhoo i would think yhoo came from spain!!!
Yhoo were REALLy clear aswell!
And i cant realli think of anything bad???

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